A poem by Jamie Rosler
I hold grudges
Or maybe
they hold me
Time and again
I remember
The things I didn't say
The points I didn't make
The wrongs I didn't right
Or you didn't
Or we
without an apology
Forgive you
For me
Old friends & ex-lovers
visit dreams
Surreal impossibilities and mundane meetings,
in the world
in my head
Interrupted sleep
Startled by imagined moments
There was a wake yesterday
I've been sleeping better
One less grudge
One loss I'm not sorry for
Not sorry for me
sorry for a mother's loss
without an apology
Forgive you
For me
I hold grudges
Or maybe
they hold me
1 Comment
Sheri · March 29, 2021 at 8:13 pm
This is so powerful and for me, so moving!